Viber login with qr code
Viber login with qr code

If the QR code doesn’t work with your setup, you can also join the whitelist via email. Sending the custom message generated will whitelist your number. The quickest way is to take your device with Viber installed and center the camera on the QR code supplied. If you haven’t already, navigate to Messages and Dispatch > Sandbox in your dashboard to set up your sandbox. A whitelisted Viber number to test with.You get access to everything else you need from the Messages API, via the sandbox. Prerequisitesįor this example, you’ll use the lightweight axios client to make a POST request. To see how it works without applying for a Viber business profile, you can use Vonage’s Viber sandbox. Whatever the complexity, you can add Viber communication to your Node.js app.

viber login with qr code

You might perform core work via text message or just want to send out notifications. If you or your customers are in a country where Viber is the default messaging platform, you’ll want your organization to be able to communicate using the service too.

Viber login with qr code